Swedish Siths eID
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This use case will show how you can add Siths eID authentication using Fortified ID Integrity API. This can be used for services unable to consume authentication using standard protocols. For example, the Fortified ID SITHS ADFS adapter use this pattern to perform Siths eID authentication.
Fortified ID Integrity API connects to the Inera SITHS REST authentication service to perform the authentication.
This use case support Siths eID authentication using smart card or mobile app.
FortifiedID API installed
Keystore in p12 format, for connection to the Inera SITHS authentication service
Keystore password
Remember that this use case does not describe installation of the products. Products are expected to be installed in advanced. The use case template is pointing to the Inera QA environment.
Download ZIP containing configuration for Integrity API
Click USE_CASE_LINK to download customer folder
Add the configuration to your environment.
Add the customer folder to your \..\fortifiedid\api\ folder. (Rename the existing customer folder to customer_ORG)
Rename the file config/siths_auth_service.p12 to config/siths_auth_service.p12.org
Add the keystore file to the config folder
Rename the keystore file to siths_auth_service.p12
Open config/config.json
Change these values
YOUR_SITHS_AUTH_SERVICE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_GOES_HERE -> the password of your keystore file/key
Generate a random password. Change YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET_GOES_HERE -> the generated password.
Verify file paths. If necessary, change to match your environment.
If connecting to Inera SITHS production environment, change the endpoints. For a complete list of endpoints, please view this page, Adress för relying party API.
Restart the Fortified Integrity API services.