Oath Token
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This use case demonstrates how to add Oath as a second factor (MFA) using the Fortified ID Integrity API.
The Fortified ID Integrity API connects to the database containing the Oath token.
FortifiedID API installed
Enrolled Oath Token, see the following guide for more details - Integrity Enrollment Software token
SQL connection details from the Integrity Enrollment configuration
Remember that this use case does not describe installation of the products. Products are expected to be installed in advanced.
Download ZIP containing configuration for Integrity API
Click USE_CASE_LINK to download customer folder
Add the configuration to your environment.
Add the customer folder to your \..\fortifiedid\api\ folder. (Rename the existing customer folder to customer_ORG)
Open config/globals.json
If necessary, modify the settings in the sql1 section:
"encryption_key" : Ensure it matches the one in the Enrollment configuration
"url" : Please update to the correct connection URL
"username", change to the correct username
"password", change to the correct password
Start the Fortified Integrity API services.
Use the ADFS Oaht adapter guide to test the configuration