In this scenario, we will use Postman acting as a OIDC Relying Party (RP) and Integrity Web as an OpenID Connect Provider (OP). The guide is done for a Windows installation but can be changed for Docker and Linux installations as well. In production environments, it is common to use an LDAP directory to obtain additional user attributes for the OIDC claim, but this scenario does not include it.
Authentication will be done with Swedish BankID test environment.
There are some prerequisite for this use case. You will need the following:
Server platform. Docker, Windows or Linux. In this use case we have used a Windows server.
The current version of FortifiedID Integrity Web is installed.
Basic knowledge about Postman and Postman installed on the local computer with access to the Integrity server. You will also need the following preconfigured Postman Collection
Note. All configuration and testing is done on the scenario server.
Download and modify configuration
To download the ZIP file containing the configuration and all other necessary files for Integrity Web, click USE_CASE_LINK to download the customer folders for the web..
Copy the customer_WEB folder to you \..\fortifiedid\web\ folder.
Rename the existing customer folder to customer_ORG and rename customer_Web to customer.
Update the configuration to map to your environment
The downloaded folders contains all needed files. For example, test certificates files are included and configured to work with the example application.
However, some data needs to be changed to map your environment. Since this example was done on a Windows server you might need to update file paths if you run something else. Also the http ports might need to be changed if they are not available in your environment.
To make it easy the application folder have a file called globals.json that contains the data you need to change. Config.json uses the variables in globals.json.
Open globals.json for \..\fortifiedid\enrollment\customer\config and \..\fortifiedid\web\customer\config folder and update:
File path
HTTP port if needed
When updated, start the Integrity Web service.
Wait until Integrity Web service has started before continuing.
Test the use case
OIDC well-known information
Open a browser on the Integrity Web server
Browse to https://localhost:8443/oidc/tenant1/.well-known/openid-configuration