Add SSL certificate and enable https

Add a SSL certificate to your Apache Web server reverse proxy.


You have installed Apache Web Server and it works on port 80. Now you like to add a certificate so the service also works on port 443 and also maybe disable access on port 80. This is a generic use case, however I will use a Windows server in the use case to explain setup.


  • Apache Web Server installed. Installation folder is C:\Apache24

Create a certificate to use for https communication

Different kinds of certificate types are supported. In this scenario I will use a *.pem file. Either you create a self-signed certificate or purchase a real certificate. Note. You can also create a real certificate (trusted by the browsers) by using e.g. In this scenario you can in your DNS point to your test server and make it work in a real live scenario.

Take the certificate files and put them in a folder. I have created a folder called \certificates, see full file path, C:\Apache24\conf\extra\certificates

Enable HTTPD-SSL configuration

You enable httpd-ssl configuration by including the configuration file in httpd.conf file. That file will include configuration for https (443).

  1. Open file httpd.conf C:\Apache24\conf

  2. Locate following lines and remove comment for httpd-ssl.conf. Correct configuration should look like follows: # Secure (SSL/TLS) connections Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

  3. Save file httpd.conf

Add references to your certificate

  1. Open the file httpd-ssl.conf (located in /conf/extra/ folder)

  2. Find line SSLCertificateFile and add your certificate. Remove # to enable the configuration line.

    1. For example used with my certificate SSLCertificateFile “C:\Apache24\conf\extra\certificates\”

  3. Find line SSLCertificateKeyFile and add your key file. Remove # to enable the configuration line.

    1. For example used with my key file. Remove # to enable the configuration line. SSLCertificateKeyFile “C:\Apache24\conf\extra\certificates\”

  4. Find line SSLCertificateChainFile and add your chain file. Remove # to enable the configuration line. This parameter is optional. Should NOT be used if no intermediate CA certificate is used or if your certificate is self-signed.

    1. For example used with my chain file. Remove # to enable the configuration line. SSLCertificateChainFile “C:\Apache24\conf\extra\certificates\”

  5. Save httpd-ssl.conf

Add mandatory modules for https

  1. Open the file httpd.conf (located in /conf/extra/ folder)

  2. Find and enable following modules. You enable by removing the # character.

    1. LoadModule proxy_module modules/

    2. LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/

    3. LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

    4. LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/

    5. LoadModule ssl_module modules/

  3. Save httpd-ssl.conf

Enable https protocol

  1. Open the file httpd-ssl.conf (located in /conf/extra/ folder)

  2. Locate Listen 443

  3. Remove # infront of listen, result should look like: Listen 443

  4. Save httpd-ssl.conf

  5. Start Apache HTTP server

  6. HTTPS is now enabled

Verify https

  1. Open a browser

  2. Browse to for https://localhost/

  3. You should be prompted with: It works!

  4. If this will not work you might need to check local firewall on windows server.

Disable http (optional)

  1. Open the file httpd.conf (located in /conf/ folder)

  2. Locate Listen 80

  3. Put a # infront of listen, result should look like: #Listen 80

  4. Save httpd.conf

  5. Restart Apache HTTP server

  6. HTTP is now disabled

Last updated