Install on Windows

Install or upgrade a Fortified ID product on a Windows server.

Note! This use case, "Install on Windows", will install a Fortified ID product online or using downloaded files. If you do not have internet access on the server which you are going to install on, go to use case "Download JRE and Artifact for Windows" to download requested files.


  • Windows server 2019 or later. Local or cloud instances like AWS or Azure for example.

  • Installation scripts to do an Fortified ID product installation. Contact Fortified ID on for installation scripts.

  • Credential file to access Fortified ID product area. Contact Fortified ID on to get credentials.

  • Correct download URL for the product you like to install. Contact Fortified ID a to get correct URL.

Prepare for installation or upgrade

Installation scripts

There are three files to be used when installing a Fortified ID product

  1. Note. You need a Windows host with a later version of Powershell as you download computer.

  2. There are three files to use when downloading a Fortified ID product offline. If you do not have the three scripts, check the prerequisite section.

  3. We will put the three files in c:\temp in this use case.


    2. install_fortifiedid_product.ps1

    3. customer_access_credentials.json



Update with the application you like to install.

  1. Open

  2. Verify installation path on your Windows server

    ## JRE location
    ## Use link below if you have internet access. If you have downloaded the JRE, then add the file and path instead of the URL.
    1. Note. If you have downloaded the JRE in advanced the JRE_LINK should look like e.g.,: JRE_LINK=c:\temp\

  3. Verify installation path on your Windows server

    ## Path where the Fortified application will be installed
    INSTALLATION_PATH=C:\Program Files
  4. Change memory for the application to use if needed.

    ## Assign memory allowed to be used by application
  5. If you need to use a proxy, uncomment the three commented lines.

    ## Proxy settings. Uncomment properties below to configure proxy settings.
    # PROXY_HOST=http://proxy:8080
    # PROXY_USER=username
    # PROXY_PASSWORD=password
  6. Uncomment the product to install (not you can only install one product at time). You only uncomment four of the five rows. First row should not be uncomment. See example below where WEB should be installed

    ## Install Fortified ID WEB
    # APP_LINK=URL or path and filename to pre downloaded file
    # APP_NAME=Fortified ID Web
    # APP_DESCRIPTION=Fortified ID Web is an Identity Provider that manage authentitcation, authorization control and single sign-on.
    1. The APP_LINK value depend if you have online access or if you have predownloaded the artificat. Below is two examples how it can look like:

      1. APP_LINK=


  7. Save

Install/upgrade application

To install/upgrade application we use a PowerShell script.

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell prompt on the Windows server. Make sure your run the prompt as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell prompt, go to folder C:\temp. See command below.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\temp
  3. In the PowerShell prompt, execute install_fortifiedid_product.ps1. See command below.

    PS C:\temp> .\install_fortifiedid_product.ps1
  4. Type y to start installation. (Below we install Fortified ID Web as an example)

    This will install/upgrade [Fortified ID RADIUS].
    All data in:
    C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\radius\application &
    C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\radius\jre will be replaced.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n):
  5. If you doing an upgrade you will get a question to backup the /application and /JRE folder. The files will located in a zip-file in a /backup folder. Note. The customer folder will nerver be touched doing an upgrade. Those files are protected.

    Do you want to backup application before proceeding with installation? (y/n):
  6. Type y/n depending if you like to start service

    Installation/upgrade is complete.
    Do you wish to start service: (y/n):
  7. Installation is now complete!

Verify installation/upgrade

Verify when clean installation

Verify files

  1. Open Windows Explorer

  2. Go to C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\"app you installed"

  3. You should find three folders

    1. jre

    2. application

    3. customer

    4. backup (you might have a backup folder depending on what you ansewerd during the upgrade and if you did an upgrade)

Verify service

  1. Open Windows Services

  2. Verify that service Fortified ID "app you installed" exists

Using "RC releases"?! Note that only last 5 are stored and are frequently replaced with new and cannot be regenerated.

Last updated