1 - Download JRE and Artifact

This step will not install any Fortified ID product on Windows, it will only download JRE and Artifact. This is a prerequisite for an offline installation.

Note! If you have internet access from the Windows server, skip this step and go to next the step, "2 - Install on Windows".


  • A host that support Powershell. (E.g. Windows 11 or Windows 2019)

  • Download scripts to do an offline download of JRE and Fortified ID artifact. Contact Fortified ID on info@fortifiedid.se to get download scripts.

  • Credential file to access Fortified ID product area. Contact Fortified ID on info@fortifiedid.se to get credentials.

  • Correct download URL for the product you like to install. Contact Fortified ID a info@fortifiedid.se to get correct URL.

Prepare server where download will take place

Note. You need a Windows host with a later version of Powershell as you download computer.

There are three files to use when downloading a Fortified ID product offline. If you do not have the three files, check the prerequisite section.

We will put the three files in c:\temp in this use case.

  1. download_artifact_and_jre.ps1

  2. download_artifact_and_jre.properties

  3. customer_access_credentials.json

Prepare installation script

Update download_artifact_and_jre.properties for the application you like to download.

  1. Open download_artifact_and_jre.properties

  2. Add the URL for the app to download. Locate the two lines below.

    # Downlad product link
    APP_LINK=## Contact Fortified ID for correct version ##
  3. Change download location if you like. (we will use default in this use case)

    ## Where should JRE and Fotified ID product be downloaded to
  4. The script also support use of proxy for access if nedded.

    ## Proxy settings, uncomment properties below to configure proxy settings.
    # PROXY_HOST=http://proxy:8080
    # PROXY_USER=username
    # PROXY_PASSWORD=password
  5. Save the download_artifact_and_jre.properties file.

Run the script to download installation data

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell prompt on the Windows download computer. Make sure your run the prompt as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell prompt, go to folder c:\temp. See command below.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\temp
  3. In the PowerShell prompt, execute download_artifact_and_jre.ps1. See command below.

    PS C:\temp> .\download_artifact_and_jre.ps1
  4. When the script is completed you should find two files in c:\temp

    1. fortifiedid-jre.zip

    2. integrity-server-2.0.0-RC30-dist.zip (this is an example. You should see a zip-file with the name of the artifact you downloaded)

  5. Move the two files to the windows server where you should do the installation.

To install a Fortified ID product on Windows, go to the next step "2 - Install on Windows"

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