2 - Install on Windows

Install or upgrade a Fortified ID product on a Windows server.

Note! This use case, "2 - Install on Windows", will install a Fortified ID product online or using downloaded files. If you do not have internet access on the server which you are going to install on, go to use case "1 - Download JRE and Artifact for Windows" to download requested files.


  • Windows server 2019 or later. Local or cloud instances like AWS or Azure for example.

  • Installation scripts to do an Fortified ID product installation. Contact Fortified ID on info@fortifiedid.se for installation scripts.

  • Credential file to access Fortified ID product area. Contact Fortified ID on info@fortifiedid.se to get credentials.

  • Correct download URL for the product you like to install. Contact Fortified ID a info@fortifiedid.se to get correct URL.

Prepare for installation or upgrade

Installation scripts

There are three files to be used when installing a Fortified ID product

  1. Note. You need a Windows host with a later version of Powershell as you download computer.

  2. There are three files to use when downloading a Fortified ID product offline. If you do not have the three scripts, check the prerequisite section.

  3. We will put the three files in c:\temp in this use case.

    1. install_fortifiedid_product.properties

    2. install_fortifiedid_product.ps1

    3. customer_access_credentials.json


Prepare install_fortifiedid_product.properties

Update install_fortifiedid_product.properties with the application you like to install.

  1. Open install_fortifiedid_product.properties

  2. Verify installation path on your Windows server

    ## JRE location
    ## Use link below if you have internet access. If you have downloaded the JRE, then add the file and path instead of the URL.
    JRE_LINK=<contact Fortified ID for latest version link of JRE>

    Note. If you have downloaded the JRE in advanced the JRE_LINK value should look like: JRE_LINK=c:\temp\fortifiedid-jre.zip

  3. Verify installation path on your Windows server

    ## Path where the Fortified application will be installed
    INSTALLATION_PATH=C:\Program Files
  4. Change memory for the application to use if needed.

    ## Assign memory allowed to be used by application
  5. If you need to use a proxy, uncomment the three commented lines. Note. Ignore this if you have downloaded files in advanced.

    ## Proxy settings. Uncomment properties below to configure proxy settings.
    # PROXY_HOST=http://proxy:8080
    # PROXY_USER=username
    # PROXY_PASSWORD=password
  6. See example below for Fortified ID Access. Verify that you have correct information for the product you will install.

    ## Install Fortified ID Access
    APP_LINK=<URL or path and filename to pre downloaded file>
    APP_NAME=Fortified ID Acess
    APP_DESCRIPTION=Fortified ID Access is an Identity Provider that manage authentitcation, authorization control and single sign-on.
    1. The APP_LINK value depend if you have online access or if you have pre-downloaded the artificat. Below is two examples how it can look like:

      1. APP_LINK=https://fortifiedid.jfrog.io/artifactory/default-fortifiedid-libs-release-local/fortifiedid/integrity-server/3.0.0/integrity-server-3.0.0-dist.zip

      2. APP_LINK=integrity-server-3.0.0-dist.zip

  7. Save install_fortifiedid_product.properties

Install/upgrade application

To install/upgrade application we use a PowerShell script.

  1. If you doing an upgrade. Take a copy of the /customer folder and stop the service for the application you are about to install.

  2. Open a Windows PowerShell prompt on the Windows server. Make sure your run the prompt as an administrator.

  3. In the PowerShell prompt, go to folder C:\temp. See command below.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\temp
  4. In the PowerShell prompt, execute install_fortifiedid_product.ps1. See command below.

    PS C:\temp> .\install_fortifiedid_product.ps1
  5. Type y to start installation. (Below we install Fortified ID Access as an example)

    This will install/upgrade [Fortified ID Access].
    All data in:
    C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\access\application &
    C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\access\jre will be replaced.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n):
  6. If you doing an upgrade you will get a question to backup the /application and /JRE folder. The files will located in a zip-file in a /backup folder. Note. The customer folder will nerver be touched doing an upgrade. Those files are protected.

    Do you want to backup application before proceeding with installation? (y/n):
  7. Type y/n depending if you like to start service

    Installation/upgrade is complete.
    Do you wish to start service: (y/n):
  8. Installation is now complete!

Verify installation/upgrade

Verify when clean installation

Verify files

  1. Open Windows Explorer

  2. Go to C:\Program Files\FortifiedID\<app you installed>

  3. You should find three folders

    1. jre

    2. application

    3. customer

    4. backup (you might have a backup folder depending on what you ansewerd during the upgrade and if you did an upgrade)

Verify service

  1. Open Windows Services

  2. Verify that service Fortified ID <app you installed>exists

Using "RC releases"?! Note that only last 5 are stored and are frequently replaced with new and cannot be regenerated.

Last updated