A VALVE is a highly specialised building block. In general, it operates on data exposed by the PIPE where the VALVE “lives”. By chaining multiple VALVES one can achieve customised authentication/authorization making the system follow current business requirements but also cater for future requirements changes.
Common configuration
These configuration properties applies to all valves:
Valve name (alias or fully qualified class name).
Flag to control if valve is enabled (i.e. included in pipe) or not. Use this property to temporary disable a valve.
Valve specific configuration object. This object is passed to the valve during initialisation and is the configuration the valve has access to.
Execution control
You can control valve execution in runtime using the exec-if predicate expression (a boolean expression that returns true
or false
). If expression evaluated to true
, the valve is executed (this is the default behaviour).
The actual filter is an ECMA-script (JavaScript) that MUST evaluate to true
, false
or to a boolean function
returning true
or false
During expression evaluation data is made available in scopes. A scope is a map (i.e key-values or hash) where values are accessed using a name and plain dot notation.
In JavaScript dot notation is NOT supported for list/array indexing.
Use the following syntax to address an element in a list:
It is also possible to use property expansion in expressions to expand the value before the script is evaluated:
The following are scopes available:
The current pipe request
The current session
The current state
The current items
Authenticator globals. Only available if pipe is called in an authentication context (i.e. by an authenticator).
Last updated