Valve for renaming and moving entries in LDAP v3 directories
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Valve for renaming and moving entries in LDAP v3 directories
Last updated
Use this valve to rename (change RDN) and/or move entries.
When changing the entry RDN, flag remove
must be set for the previous RDN attribute to be removed, otherwise the attribute will be kept and have both values (multi-value).
When moving an entry the new baseDN of the entry (i.e DN of destination container) must be supplied.
An entry can be moved and renamed in the same operation.
Before using this valve the module must be configured and deployed.
Valve name: LDAPMove | LDAPModifyDN
Common LDAP valve configuration can be found here.
RDN of entry.
RDN of current item
New baseDN of entry.
Flag turning on removal of previous RDN attribute.