X509 Certificate Validator

Valve for validating X.509 certificates


Use this valve to validate a X.509 v3 certificate.

Performs the following validations (in specified order):

  1. Validity (notBefore/notAfter)

  2. PKIX path ("certificate chain")

  3. Signature

This valve is a part of the item iteration API meaning that it operates on the current item set. For more information on item iteration, see Item.

Valve operates on items if available. During item iteration the validation result ("certificate status") will be set on the current item and must be asserted later in pipe. If no items are available pipe will fail if validation fails.

Certificate status values:

  • GOOD






Valve name: X509CertificateExtractor

Certificate validity

It is possible to check certificate validity for any point in time by setting the now configuration property. If not set, now will default to now (i.e the current time).