User lookup

Provides a sing field of input for user to enter an identifier.


Authenticator type: UserLookup

Common Authenticator configuration can be found here.

Default value


Name of pipe used for validation



Allowed number of times a user is allowed to enter OTP before process is aborted.



Apart from system logging, event logging is done when completing and failing a transaction.

Event ids are:

  • WEB_100024("Performed user lookup")

    • IDENTIFIER (user trace id)

    • CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER (if configured)

    • SOURCE_USER_NAME (username entered by the user)

    • SOURCE_ADDRESS (ip of the remote session)

  • WEB_100025("User lookup failed")

    • IDENTIFIER (user trace id)

    • CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER (if configured)

    • SOURCE_ADDRESS (ip of the remote session)

    • SOURCE_USER_NAME (username entered by the user)

Data sent to validation pipe

On validation, data sent to the pipe is:

  • identifier - the username provided by the user

Data exposed to global state

After a user completes a transaction, the authenticator is marked as done. Data from the authentication response is then put into the global state replacing existing values:

  • username


Starting an authentication

Start by sending in a Ajax request containing identifier & password:

    "type": "start",
    "data": {
        "identifier": "<user_data>"

The response back will contain either a COMPLETED or ERROR:

    "status": "COMPLETED"

Translation keys

  "user_lookup.identifier": "Username",
  "user_lookup.start_authentication": "Sign in",
  "user_lookup.authentication_verified": "Identity verified",
  "user_lookup.redirecting": "Redirecting...",
  "user_lookup.cancel": "Cancel",
  "user_lookup.ERROR": "Wrong username or password.",
  "allow-cookies-body": "To save your language settings on this device you need to approve a language cookie.",
  "allow-cookies-button": "Approve language cookie",
  "change_language": ""
  "user_lookup.identifier": "Användarnamn",
  "user_lookup.start_authentication": "Logga in",
  "user_lookup.authentication_verified": "Identitet verifierad",
  "user_lookup.redirecting": "Omdirigerar...",
  "user_lookup.cancel": "Avbryt",
  "user_lookup.ERROR": "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord",
  "allow-cookies-body": "Vill du spara dina språkinställningar på denna enhet behövs ett godkännande av  språk-cookie.",
  "allow-cookies-button": "Godkänn språk-cookie",
  "change_language": ""