File inclusion

Configuration LEGO


Configuration supports inclusion of files to enable a modular structure.

An inclusion expression has the following format:


After inclusion the property value containing the inclusion will be replaced with the content of the include file(s).

Only files of type JSON are supported and file must contain a JSON object or array.


An inclusion expressen MUST:

  • be a string ("...")

  • start with @include:

  • end with a path pointing to file or directory to include

  • NOT contain expansions

Both files and directories can be included.

If include is a file:

  1. Load content of file

  2. Parse content as JSON

  3. Replace property value with included JSON (object or array)

Including a non-existing, empty or non-json file is an error.

If include is a directory:

  1. Create a JSON array ("result")

  2. For each file in directory matching pattern "*.json"

    1. Load content of file

    2. Parse content as JSON

    3. Add JSON (object or array) to result array

  3. Replace property value with result array

Including a non-existing directory is an error. Including an empty directory (or a directory that doesn't contain any .json files) results in an empty result array.


Paths can be absolute or relative. Relative paths are resolved against the directory of the including file.

// Absolute path
"property": "@include:/absolute/path/to/included/file.json"

// Relative path, same directory
"property": "@include:file.json"
"property": "@include:./file.json"

// Relative path, sub directory
"property": "@include:includes/dir/file.json"
"property": "@include:./includes/dir/file.json"

// Relative path, sibling directory
"property": "@include:../other/dir/file.json"


Included file/dir not found:

Include not found: <path/to/file>

Included file does not contain valid JSON:

Invalid include content type (<type>): <path/to/file>

Included file is empty:

Empty include: <path/to/file>

Last updated