To install on Linux, click the following link:
When installation is completed, verify the following:
Start the service by running <installation_path>/FortifiedID/forms/customer/bin/
Verify by accessing http://localhost:8080/demo1 or http://localhost:8080/demo2
Stop the service by running <installation_path>/FortifiedID/forms/customer/bin/
This section how to do a new installation or an upgrade of a Fortified ID product.
Supported target plattforms are:
Container (docker, kubernetes etc.)
Linux 64-bit
Windows 64-bit
Access to media is provided by Fortified ID support. Credentials consist of a username and an access token which are used when downloading the artefacts.
After successful installation, verify access to http://<installation_host>:8080.
A simple welcome page should be displayed.
To install on Windows, click the following link:
When installation is completed, verify the following:
In Windows Services, verify that Fortified ID <product name> service exists
In file system, verify that drive:\..\FortifiedID\<product name> exits
Note. Starting, stopping, and restarting the service are handled by Windows Services.
To install on Container/Docker, click the following link:
When installation is completed, verify the following:
Replace <container_display_name> with the container name and replace <product_name>:<version> with the image product name and version.
Parameter explanation:
Direct system output to stdout
Start the Node
Use the given configuration file. Path is relative to SERVER_HOME
inside the container.
Check the log to ensure that the server was successfully bootstrapped:
Finally, check that the server is up and running by pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/forms/demo1 or
Note. Starting, stopping, and restarting the service are handled by Docker commands.