Release notes

This will highlight the most important items. For in depth detail contact Fortified ID.

This version

Request throttling

Improved handling of request managment on request flooding.

Changed product name in CEF

New name is Access

Unsolicited saml logins

SAML idp now can have a default sp configured.

Task authenticator update

Button added for manual app-switch.

Simplified handling of overriding translation in authenticator

By introcucing scopes in translation files all translation/overrdides now can be in one locales file.

Start up order of modules updated

All modules used for enxternal communication now starts in node group "first". Rest is in default.

Bug fixes

Handling multiple OP's now works

Error SSO between protocols fixed

Using FrejaID on same device now returns to same browser tab

Version 3.0.0

New valve - GUIDToString

Valve to create a string format GUID ("b9d663ed-50dc-4260-b37e-147a62caa7f6") from the internal 16 byte binary representation used by AD / EntraID.

New valve - Base64Converter

Converts a base 64 value to another representation

SithsWithQr updates

Changed default behaviour, assuming using card reader instead of mobile app.

Improvement saml metadata loading

In previous version broken cash data stops server.

Set custom HTTP security headers

CSP, HSTS,XFO can now be set manually.

Improvement information endpoint module

logout now is attached to installation allowing for overriding logout look and feel.

AD binary attributes are now supported

UI updates

A number of UI improvements for a smoother user experience.

CVE updates

Updating underlying building blocks, both front and backend, in order to keep CVE risks at a minimum.

Bug fixes

#268 errors are not sent back to calling SAML IDP