File inclusion
Configuration LEGO
Configuration supports inclusion of files to enable a modular structure.
An inclusion expression has the following format:
After inclusion the property value containing the inclusion will be replaced with the content of the include file(s).
Only files of type JSON are supported and file must contain a JSON object ("{...}
") or array ("[...]
An inclusion expressen MUST:
be a string (
)start with
end with one or more comma separated paths or globs specifying the files or directories to include
NOT contain expansions
Both files and directories can be included.
If include is a file:
Load content of file
Parse content as JSON
Replace property value with included JSON (object or array)
Including an empty or non-json file is an error. Including a file that doesn't exist results in an empty array.
If include is a directory:
Create a JSON array ("result")
For each file in directory matching pattern "
" or "*.jsonc
"Load content of file
Parse content as JSON
Add JSON (object or array) to result array
Replace property value with result array
Including a non-existing directory or an empty directory (or a directory that doesn't contain any json-files) results in an empty result array.
If more than one path is supplied the above process will be repeated for each path. When including multiple path the result is always an array.
An empty array ([]
) is always returned when the include expression produces no result.
Paths can be absolute or relative. Relative paths are resolved against the directory of the including file.
Directory paths can be specified with or without trailing path separator ("/").
Glob patterns ("globs") are supported in paths.
The result of a glob is a list of zero, one or more matching paths. These paths are each treated in the same way as regular paths and produces the same result. Think of globs as a powerful way to specify multiple files.
Globs are simplified forms of regular expressions used to match file paths and names based on certain patterns. Here's a description of the most common glob-pattern syntax elements:
Asterisk (*
Matches any number of any characters, including none. Example: *.txt
matches all files with a .txt extension (notes.txt, report.txt).
Question Mark (?
Matches exactly one character. Example: file?.txt
matches file1.txt, file2.txt, but not file10.txt.
Brackets ([]
Matches any one of the enclosed characters. Example: file[123].txt
matches file1.txt, file2.txt, or file3.txt.
Hyphen (within brackets):
Specifies a range of characters. Example: file[a-c].txt
matches filea.txt, fileb.txt, or filec.txt, but not filez.txt
Braces ({}
Matches any of the comma-separated patterns. Example: file{1,2,3}.txt
matches file1.txt, file2.txt, or file3.txt, but not file4.txt.
Double Asterisk (**
Matches directories recursively. Example: **/*.txt
matches all .txt files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
Type conversion
In some situations it may be useful to change the result type of an include expression to match what is expected by the consumer.
Type conversion is enabled by using an alias directive:
Type conversion is only possible when it doesn't result in data loss.
Convert from array to object ("unwrap")
When the result is an array containing only one element (object or array) the element can be unwrapped using directive: @include_as_object
If the result is anything but a single element array, the behaviour is identical to a regular inclusion.
Given the following file containing an object (no other files in dir):
The expression "@include:/path/to/dir
" will result in an array containing the contents of all json-files in the specified directory even if the directory, like in this case, only contains a single file.
To unwrap the single element result from the array, use "@include_as_object:/path/to/dir
Convert from object to array ("wrap")
When the result of an include is an object it can be wrapped in an array by using directive: @include_as_array
If the result is anything but an object, the behaviour is identical to a regular inclusion.
Given the following file (number of files in dir does not matter in this example):
The expression "@include:/path/to/dir/file.json
" will result in an object, since a single file is included and that file contains an object.
To wrap this object in an array, use "@include_as_array:/path/to/dir/file.json
Below are the basic includes. They may be combined to create advanced includes.
a single file
all (json) files in a directory
all (json) files from multiple directories
a subset of files in a single directories
a subset of files in multiple directories
Included file/dir not found:
Included file does not contain valid JSON:
Included file is empty: