Use to find objects in data store, e.g. Active Directory. It performs searches using pipes and stores a selected value for next steps to consume.
Use to find objects in data store, e.g. Active Directory. It performs searches using pipes and stores a selected value for next steps to consume.
Control type: Selector
Id of pipe searching for objects
Same as control id
What columns to be displayed in UI.
Should selection of an item move to next step. true
Should user be able to enter custom search data.
Should control be readonly?
To populate list of items in UI a pipe must be executed. List of items returned should at least contain properties defined in columns.
Data sent to pipe is:
search - containing user input if config -> search is set to true
columns - comma separated string of defined columns
Return data must be in a form of a list of items.
When pressing Select, data exposed to flow is found using key if control id. Value is item id returned from pipe